Liability Notice

The exercises, health information, breath-led meditations and videos and articles provided on this site and services and products provided require a high level of responsibility and self-awareness in order to avoid misuse. Before using any of the services and products, it is your responsibility to determine, through obtaining appropriate medical advice, that you are fit and well and that the services and products are suitable for you.

Before commencing any exercise program you should consult your physician or other qualified Healthcare Provider in order to ascertain whether the programs and changes are appropriate for you. You are responsible for your own safety.  A very important part of your own journey is to assume responsibility for your own wellness, your own body and your health.  Please listen to your body and breath and when in doubt, hold back on any exercise regime.

You expressly waive and release any claim that you may have at any time for injury of any kind against Katie Matthews Breathwork, or any person or entity involved with Katie Matthews Breathwork including without limitation its directors, principals, instructors, independent contractors, employees, agents, contractors, affiliates and representatives. You assume all risk of injury by using the content, services and products. Please do not use the content, Services and Products if you are not willing to accept this responsibility.

No content or other information contained on or provided through the Site or provided by Katie Matthews Breathwork by email or in any manner whatsoever should be construed as medical and/or health advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Healthcare Provider for answers to any questions you may have regarding a medical or health related condition. Neither the content, other information contained on the Website, nor any other service offered by or through Katie Matthews Breathwork is intended to be relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Site. There is absolutely no guarantee, representation, warranty or undertaking that you will not suffer injury arising out of participation in any physical activity as shown on the Site or that your fitness, health or wellbeing will improve as a result of participation in the services. Your health and wellness will improve as part of an all-round change in diet and activity level as advised by your Healthcare Provider.

LIABILITY: We try to make sure that all information that we post on the Site (and provided by us to you as part of any Services or Products) is correct, and we will use reasonable care and skill in providing services to you. As long as we have done that, we do not accept any liability for any error or omission and exclude all liability for any action you may take or loss or injury you may suffer (direct or indirect including loss of pay, profit, opportunity or time, pain and suffering, any indirect, consequential or special loss, however arising as a result of relying on any information on this website (including any articles posted by a third party) or provided through any Service supplied by us to you.